Tuesday, February 22, 2011

TWITTER 5. What is TweetChat?

Twitter is a great tool to host a group discussion on a chosen subject at a specific time. However, it is easy for the conversation thread to be lost in the Twitosphere with hundreds of tweets appearing on your timeline.

A useful tool for the classroom

A simple way to filter out content and focus the discussion for classroom purposes is a Twitter TweetChat. TweetChat creates Twitter-based online-chat rooms, based on Twitter’s hashtag feature (for example, #iranelection or #tweetpals2).

You select a hashtag, and TweetChat creates a virtual "chat-room" that shows you all the tweets that people are posting that include that hashtag in realtime.

With a clean, uncluttered interface, it is easy to login to TweetChat using your Twitter account.

You are now ready to TweetChat!

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