Monday, February 14, 2011

TWITTER 4. What is Retweet? (RT)

What is Retweet? (RT)

Twitter's Retweet (RT) feature enables you to quickly share and discover Tweets. Peter Finalyson, who leads a non-profit that uses Twitter, is featured in this video. He explains why retweeting is exciting for him and what happens when you post a retweet.

There are two ways to Re-Tweet. If you use the Re-Tweet button located under anther person’s tweet, then you re-transmit their tweet via your Twitter account. Their username, avatar and tweet will appear among your own tweets in your timeline. This Re-Tweet is sent to your whole following.

If you decide to do a manual ReTweet, you start your tweet with RT and then add a Mention (@username).This allows you to add a comment if the tweet is not using the full 140 characters. Using the « RT » prefix only works with shorter tweets.

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